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Complete English Grammar Guide

Joining report after availing Earned Leave

To             The             Name of your Authority Sub:     Joining report of self. Sir...

Application for renovation of drain

we the residents of this area request you in folded hands to take necessary steps at an early date for renovation of the aforesaid drain...

Application for issue of No Objection Certificate

  I intend to apply against the various posts under the Group-A and Group-B categories notified vide the above-referred advertisements for which I need a No Objection Certificate...

Capitalization Rule-17 in detail with easy examples

We ought to always capitalize a family name when used as a person's specific name and before a proper name. But, whenever, the person's specific name is not mentioned in the...

Capitalization Rule-16 in detail with easy examples

We ought to capitalize title when they are used before names or used as a part of a name unless the title is followed by a comma. Be sure that you do not capitalize the title if it...

Capitalization Rule-15 in detail with easy examples

It is mandatory to capitalize the names of specific course titles, but not general academic subjects. This is the Capitalization Rule number 15...

Capitalization Rule-14 in detail with easy examples

This is the capitalization rule number 14. And it says that the rules of capitalization for “TITLES OF BOOKS” vary according to different style guides. The standard set of rules...

Capitalization Rule-13 in detail with easy examples

We must capitalize the names of art movements. It is the 13 rule of Capitalization rule. This is the capitalization rule number 13...

Capitalization Rule-12 in detail with easy examples

Generally, we should capitalize words that denote specific time periods, eras, and historical events that have proper names. However, centuries and numbers before the centuries are...

Capitalization Rule-11 in detail with easy examples

We do not need to capitalize the words city, town, county, etc. if they come before a proper noun. But, if they come after a proper noun, they must be capitalized. This is the...

Capitalization Rule-10 in detail with easy examples

Generally, we do not capitalize the word “the” before a proper noun. However, there are some special cases where the word “the” has to be capitalized. For instance, if an official...

Capitalization Rule-9 in detail with easy examples

We should always capitalize the names of specific geographic regions. But we must not capitalize the names of points that appear on the compass viz. east, west, north, and...

Capitalization Rule-8 in detail with easy examples

Always capitalize the names of cities, countries, nationalities, and languages as they all are proper nouns.This is the capitalization rule no 5...

Capitalization Rule-7 in detail with easy examples

We should always capitalize the names of days, months, and holidays, but not seasons. This is because the names of days, months, and holidays are proper nouns whereas seasons are...

Capitalization Rule-6 in detail with easy examples

Sometimes, for emphasis, we can capitalize a mid-sentence independent clause or question. This is the capitalization rule no 6...

Capitalization Rule-5 in detail with easy examples

If the quotation is a complete sentence we should capitalize the first word of a quotation. But in a partial quotation, we should not capitalize the first word of a partial...

Capitalization Rule-4 in detail with easy examples

Generally, it is not required to capitalize the word after a colon(:). But, There are certain exceptions to this rule. and this is the capitalization rule no 4...

Capitalization Rule-3 in detail with easy examples

Capitalization Rule-3 : We should always capitalize names, other proper nouns, and adjectives derived from proper nouns. Click and learn more in detail...

Capitalization Rule-2 in detail with easy examples

Capitalization Rule-2: The letter I should always be capitalized in a sentence when it refers to oneself. Click on the link and learn in detail with examples...

Capitalization Rule-1 in detail with easy examples

Capitalization Rule-1: We should always capitalize the first letter of the first word of a sentence and the first letter of the word after a period/full stop(.), a question mark...

Capitalization rules in English with easy examples

The capitalization rules of a word in English mean writing the first letter of an English word in uppercase and the remaining letters in lowercase...

Self-help | Important short essay on Self-help

Certain individuals go about their own responsibilities themselves. They don't need the support of others. They don't rely on others...

Basic English words list with meaning and easy examples 

These are the important Basic English words list to enhance your English. Learn from the examples of available words of every category and construct sentences...

Important Antonyms list with Meaning and examples

An antonym is a word that is opposite in meaning to a given word. Learn the following are the antonyms with meanings and Examples that are often used in English...

Where Can You Learn Good Things In Your Life?

How and Where Can I learn good things in my life? One of my friends asked me that, “How can he learn good things in life?”. I told him to just do one thing, stop going there where...

Important Synonyms list with Meaning and examples

A synonym is a word that has a similar meaning to the given word of the same language. Learn synonyms with meaning and examples in this list of synonyms...

Irregular Verb List with meaning and easy examples

These are the selected irregular verbs that are often used in English. Learn easily all irregular verbs from this irregular verb list with meanings & examples...

Regular Verb List with meaning and easy examples

These are the selected regular verbs that are often used in English. You can learn all regular verbs easily from this regular verb list with meanings & examples...

UPSC Syllabus: Complete Syllabus of Prelims and Mains

Here, you will find the complete syllabus for Civil Services Examination made by Union Public Service Commission. You can also download UPSC Civil Services Syllabus from...

Slide Gate designs

Slide gate with beautiful logos This slide-gate (10 feet long and 05 feet height) can be used for home, Office, and business buildings. Here, I have created a Logo “RK”...

Idioms and Phrases with Meaning and Easy Examples

Idioms and Phrases are groups of words whose meaning is different from the meaning of the individual words. often used in stories, poems and spoken languages...

Popular Proverbs in English for everyone

There are countless proverbs out there; we have listed the most popular English proverbs for you. Rome wasn’t built in a day is th...

SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT with Easy Examples and all Rules

Subject-verb agreement means using the riverb after the subject. Basic rule- a singular subject takes a singular verb & a plural subject takes a plural verb...

Direct and Indirect Speech | Reported Speech with explanation

Direct and indirect speech can be confusing for every English Learner. To clear your doubts, read the below-given examples and see the explanation...

PHRASAL VERBS list with meaning and easy examples

Phrasal verbs are groups of words that combine a verb with an adverb or a preposition. Together, these words act as a single verb and take on a whole new meaning that's independent...

PHRASAL VERBS: Introduction -Learn with easy examples

A phrasal verb is formed when an adverb particle is added to the main verb to make a new verb. This new verb has a new meaning most of the time...

Noun+Prepositions – The ultimate list of prepositions with meaning & examples

Here is the complete list of prepositions ( Noun+prepositions/NounPreposition/Nounplush Preposition) with meaning and examples...

Adjective + Prepositions – The ultimate list of prepositions with meaning & examples

Here is the complete list of prepositions (Adjective +prepositions / Adjective Preposition / Adjective plush Preposition) with meaning and examples...

Verb+Prepositions – The ultimate list of prepositions with meaning & examples

Here is the complete list of prepositions (Verb+prepositions / Verb Preposition / Verb plush Preposition) with meaning and examples...

Prepositions: The complete study of time, Place, Position

Learn completely about prepositions like- Prepositions of time, Prepositions of Place, Prepositions of Position & more. A big List of Prepositions is given...

Active And Passive Simple Exercises

Here are the 6 sets of exercises for complete practice of Active and passive voice. Exercise for Active and Passive Voice EXERCISE-1 Put in was/were/did/have /has in the blank...

Restrictions of Active and Passive Voice: When to Use and when not

Here, you will learn 07 important restrictions on using Passive Voice. The Passive Voice Restrictions 1 to 7 are very important in Active and Passive Rules. You will also learn 4...

Complete RULES of ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICE with examples

Learn complete rules of Active and Passive voice...

The Passive: Full detail about ACTIVE & PASSIVE VOICE

When a sentence is written in the active voice, the sentence's the subject performs the action; in the passive voice, the subject receives the action...

Adverb Clause: Kinds of Adverb clauses in full detail with Examples

An adverb clause or adverbial clause is a group of words that, together, functions as an adverb. It describes or modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb...

If Clauses rules, examples | Complete Conditional Clauses in English

There are 04 types of Conditional clauses. If-sentences consist of a main-clause &a conditional clause & used during a hypothesis/condition/real/imagined case...

Relative Clause: A complete study of Formation & Functions

A relative clause is a dependent clause that gives more information about another noun in the sentence. It usually begins with the words like that, who, whom...

Noun Clause: A complete study of Formation, Function with examples

A noun clause is a clause that functions as a noun. Like all clauses, a noun clause has a subject and a verb. Often, noun clauses start with 'that,' 'how,'...

Complex Sentence: Full Detail with Meaning, Examples and more

A sentence which consists of a main clause and one or more subordinate clauses is called a Complex Sentence. Learn full detail about the complex sentence here...

Compound Sentence: Learn in detail with easy examples

The Sentence in which two or more independent clauses are joined by coordinate conjunctions is called a compound sentence. Learn details about the compound sentence...

Simple Sentence in English-learn in detail with easy examples

A sentence which consists of only one clause that can stand by itself is called a Simple Sentence. Learn in detail about Simple sentences with examples. Exercise...

Types of Sentences: Simple, Compound, and Complex

There are three main types of sentences. A simple sentence. A compound sentence. A complex sentence. Let's learn in detail one by one...

Future Time: All forms, Rules, and Usages with easy Examples

As the future is uncertain there is only FUTURE TIME, NOT FUTURE TENSE. There are 4 types of FUTURE TIME FORMS/TYPES that are often used to express FUTURE TIME...

Predicate Phrase: Verb, Object, Complement, and adjunct with easy examples

Learn in detail about Predicate Phrase. Predicate is a grammatical term for the words in a sentence or clause that describe the action but not the subject...

Negative Sentence: A detailed study with easy examples

A negative sentence is a sentence that contains words such as NOT, NO, NEVER 'or' NOTHING. Often we add "NOT" after the MAIN VERB to make a negative sentence...

Interrogative sentence: a complete study with easy examples

An interrogative sentence is used to ask a question to know about something. An interrogative Sentence takes a question mark (?) at its end. Learn Formation...

Adverbial and it’s all types with easy examples

Adverbs & adverbials very often mean the same thing. An adverbial has more than 1 word.Quietly is an Adverb. Adverbial "in a quiet manner" has more than 1 word...

Adverbs: All Types and all uses with easy examples

Adverbs tell us more about verbs. Learn all types of adverbs and their use one by one in detail—practice exercises for adverbs with answers...

Adjectives: All positions And forms with easy examples

An adjective is a word that is used to modify/add some extra meaning to the Noun/Pronoun. In short, adjective describes some qualities of Noun or Pronoun...

Other Determiners and rules to use them with easy examples

Articles, Demonstrative, Numerical words, Possessives, Wh-words, quantity or Amount words, and pre-determiners are knowns as other determiners in English...

One word Substitution in English with easy examples

One-word substitution is the use of a single word instead of a phrase. We use 'One word substitution' to make the sentence structure shorter and clearer...

Articles: All rules to use of Definite and Indefinite articles with easy examples

In English grammar 'A, An, & the' are known as articles to define a noun as specific or unspecific...

Countable and Uncountable Nouns a complete study

Anything that can be counted is called Countable Noun. Anything that can not be counted, is an Uncountable Noun. Learn Countable and Uncountable nouns in detail...

Pre-Head Items in The Noun Phrase

We have seen that a Noun Phrase can occur in the subject or predicate part of a sentence. Learn which words come before Noun Phrases and the order of use...

Noun Phrase-know what it is & how to use it

The words working as the subject in a sentence are called 'Noun Phrase'. A Noun Phrase can have one word or more than one word...

Will and Shall and it’s rules to use with easy examples

Will and shall are the modal auxiliaries that are often used to express future time. Learn all the rules for using 'will and shall"...

Primary Auxiliaries and it’s rules to use with easy examples

Is, am, are, was, were, being, been, do, does, did, have, has, and had are the Primary Auxiliaries in English Grammar...

Past Perfect Progressive and It’s all rules with easy examples

The activity was going on from a particular point of time in the past to another point of time and it was still going on when some other event took place. Past Perfect Progressive...

Past Perfect Tense and It’s all rules with easy examples

The Past Perfect Tense refers to an event that happened in the past before another event in the past. For example, I had left the house before my father came...

Past Progressive and it’s all rules with easy examples

Past Progressive is used to talk about the action that was going on (i.e. was in progress) at a particular time in the past, or over a longer time in the past...

Past Simple and It’s all rules with easy examples

We use the Past Simple to talk about an action that began and ended in the past. The action might have happened either in a moment or over a longer period...

Present Perfect Progressive and It’s all rules with easy examples

The Present Perfect Progressive is used If an action started in the past and is still continuing in the present, and it is likely to extend into the future...

Present Perfect and it’s all rules with easy examples

Present Perfect usually refers to completed actions in the past TIME, the effect of which impacts the present moment. The starting point of the period of time...

Present Progressive and it’s all rules with easy examples

Present Progressive talk about an action/situation which is in progress at the time of speaking. The verb tells us that the action is still happening/changing...

Present Simple Tense with all rules

only the base form (=simple form) of the verb in the Present Simple Tense. Learn more about Present Simple Tense with all rules. Study the following sentence...

Best Websites for UPSC/IAS Preparation

Are you looking for the best websites for IAS? Here is a list of websites useful for UPSC CSE preparation. There are many Government/NGO/Business websites useful for UPSC...

Time And Tense learn with rules and simple examples

The flow of time is continuous and unbreakable. For convenience, we have divided time into 3 parts: THE PRESENT, THE PAST, and THE FUTURE. Read Time and Tense...

Structure of the Verb Phrase or Group

As there can be more than one auxiliary verb present in a verbal group. It is vital to learn the order or structure of the Verb Phrase or Group...

Full Verbs and Auxiliary Verbs in English

Full Verb and Auxiliary Verb or Modal Verb is the headword of the predicate. A Verb Group consists of more than one word one of which is the full verb...

Two Main Parts of a Sentence | Parts of Sentence with easy examples

The SUBJECT and PREDICATE are the two main parts of a sentence. The Predicate says something about the Subject / tells us what the subject does and the subject...

 How can you get success in every goal without fail?

While there is no guaranteed formula for achieving success in every goal without fail, there are certain principles and strategies that can greatly improve your chances of success...

Countable and Uncountable Nouns with easy examples

Anything that can be counted is called Countable Noun. Anything that can not be counted, is an Uncountable Noun. Learn Countable and Uncountable nouns in detail...

Full Stop punctuation: All rules with usage & examples

The Period or Full Stop is used to stop or end a sentence. The period or Full Stop shows that a sentence has ended. There are 04 rules for using the period...

Punctuation | All Punctuation Marks in English with easy examples

Significantly 15 punctuation marks are used in the English language. The first rule is- the Period or Full Stop is used to stop or end a sentence. Learn more...

Future Perfect Progressive Time Learn with formulas and easy examples

Future perfect progressive or continuous describes actions that will continue up until a point in the future. Ex- I will have been driving for an hour by the time I get home...

Future Perfect Time Learn with formulas and easy examples

The future perfect is a time used for actions that will be completed before some other point in the future. Ex- I will have done that job before my father comes...

Future Progressive Time | Learn with Formulas and Easy Examples

Future Progressive Tense shows continuing action which will be happening, or going on, at some point in the future. I will be reading at this time tomorrow...

Future Simple Time | Basic English Grammar

Future Simple describes the future-time and tells that the action will happen after the present time i.e in future-time. For example- I will go tomorrow...

Past Perfect Progressive Tense with formula and easy examples

Past Perfect Progressive tells the action that was going on from a certain point in the past to another point of time & was still going on when some other event took place...

Past Perfect Tense with formula and easy examples

The Past Perfect Tense refers to an event that happened in the past before another event in the past. For example, I had left the house before my father came...

Wisdom Quotes to free the self

Best Wisdom Quotes-You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take. The symptom of wisdom is curiosity. The evidence of wisdom is calmness and perseverance...

Live what you love

"Live what you love" means following your dreams & Passion. BE YOU, while choosing a career or making future plans. STOP FOLLOWING THE TRENDS. Do what you love...

10 tips for Time Management.

These effective time management tips benefit you to make your time productive & efficient. Important & urgent.Important; not urgent. Urgent; not important...

how to be successful in life?

In the present day, everyone wants to become successful. But, among millions, some only become successful in all workplaces. You can also become successful once you know; how can...

Why learning English is necessary? 10 reasons to Learn English.

Learning English is necessary as it is the language of Internet, science, art, and most commonly spoken and dominant business language in the world...

Learn English easily now for free.

How can I learn English easily? Typically, this is the most common question asked by English learners. Here are our best tips on how to learn English easily?...

Importance of the English language in the present day

When you know the importance of the English language, you will give extra priority to it. When you give extract priority. You will learn English easily...

Past Progressive Tense learn with formula and easy examples

Past Progressive is used to talk about the action that was going on (i.e. was in progress) at a particular time in the past, or over a longer time...

Past Simple Tense with formula and examples | Basic English Grammar

We use the Past Simple to talk about an action that began and ended in the past. The action might have happened either in a moment or over a longer period...

Present Perfect Progressive or Continous with formula and examples

Present Perfect Progressive is used If an activity or state started in the past and is still continuing in the present, & is likely to extend into the future...

Present Perfect tense with formula and examples | Basic English Grammar

Present Perfect usually refers to completed activities in the past time, the effect of which extends to & includes the present moment. e.g.., I have eaten rice...

Present Progressive Tense and learn It’s types of sentence with easy formula

We use Present Progressive to talk about an action or situation that is in progress at the time of speaking. For example, You are reading this sentence now...

Present Simple | Learn all types of sentence with formula

We use only the base form (i.e. simple form of the verb or v1 in the Present Simple Tense). We use Present Simple for General truths, Scientific facts, and Habits...

Tense and Time | All Tenses with of English Grammar

Primarily, Basic English Tense is divided into 3 categories viz TENSE=1.PRESENT, 2.PAST and 3. FUTURE TIME. Again this 3 are divided int 4 each...study details...

Articles and its all rules with easy examples

In English, there are 03 articles: A, An, and The. Articles are used before a noun or noun equivalents and a class of adjectives. Learn details about Articles...

Interjections | List of Interjections with meaning and easy examples

Interjections are words or expressions that arise as an utterance expressing a spontaneous feeling or reaction or as an exclamation. Such as Wow! Oh! God! Yahoo...

Conjunction | List of conjunctions with Meanings and easy Examples

A conjunction is a word used to join words, a group of words, or sentences. Such as AND, BUT, BECAUSE, TILL, HOWEVER, ALTHOUGH, UNTIL, UNLESS, OTHERWISE, etc...

Preposition | Prepositions list with Meanings and easy Examples

The Preposition is a word placed before a NOUN or PRONOUN to indicate place direction, source, etc. It links a noun phrase with another noun phrase...

Adverb | Learn Types of Adverbs with easy Examples and more

An adverb is a word that describes or adds more meaning to a verb or an adjective. In short, an adverb precisely explains HOW, WHEN, or WHERE the action occurs...

Verb | Learn all types of verb with easy examples

A word that is used to narrate an action, state of being, or occurrence of an event is called a verb. Any word that tells the action of the subject is the verb...

Adjective | All Types Of Adjectives with easy examples

What is Adjective? An Adjective is a word used to modify or add some extra meaning to the Noun or Pronoun. In other words, an Adjective describes some qualities of a...

Pronouns: Learn all types Of Pronouns with easy examples

A Pronoun is a word used instead of a Noun or Noun Phrase. For example, 1st Person: I & WE, 2nd Person: You & You, 3rd Person: He, She, It, and They...

Abstract Noun with easy Examples

An Abstract Noun is the name of intangible ideas or immaterial ones. We can feel but cannot touch or see them Ex. Love, Hope, Beauty, Kindness, Honesty, etc...

Material Noun with easy Examples

Material Noun refers to the name of material things. It is a word used to describe an object that can be perceived by the senses. Ex. Gold, Stone, Iron etc...

Collective Noun | Learn with easy Examples

A collective noun is the name of a collection of persons/things taken together & spoken of as a whole. It refers to a group of people or things as one entity. ...

Proper Noun and its examples in detail

A Proper Noun is the name of a particular person, place, or thing. It refers to specific/particular names of a person, place, or thing. Ex. Jon, India, Dhaka...

Common Noun and its examples Examples in detail

A common Noun is common to all persons or things of the same class or kind is a Common Noun. Common Noun refers to the whole class. Ex. Animal, Bird, people...

Common Nouns Vs. Proper Nouns

Understanding the distinction between common and proper nouns is essential for proper grammar and effective communication in the English language...

Noun Exercises for best practice with Answer

Practice all the Noun Exercises with answers. It is essential to understand noun as it is one of the primary topics in English grammar...

Noun | Learn all types of nouns with Easy Examples

A noun is a naming word. It is used for the names of persons, animals, places, or things. Ram, Shyam, Max, Paris, Gold, Chair, and Bus, are examples of nouns...

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