Countable and Uncountable Nouns with easy examples

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Countable and Uncountable Nouns are two types of nouns. One is the noun that can be counted is called a Countable Noun and the other is the noun that cannot be counted is called an Uncountable Noun.

Generally, uncountable nouns only have a singular form only but countable nouns have both singular and plural forms.

Countable Noun Examples

The noun that can be counted is called a Countable Noun. Whether singular or plural but if it is countable then it is considered a countable noun.

For example: Singular – a snake, a dog, a book, a friend,  a laptop, etc., or plural – a few books, lots of mangoes, etc. is a countable noun.

To better differentiate between countable and uncountable read the following examples.

Observe that the singular verbs are used with singular countable nouns, while plural verbs are used with plural countable nouns.

  1. There are at least twenty seats left to be booked.
  2. I have found a lot of photographs of my childhood.
  3. Here is the book you were looking for.
  4. Can you count how many girls are there?
  5. How many candles are there on that packet? We have found numerous books to study in the library.

Clearly, countable nouns are individual persons, things, places, animals, or ideas, so they can be counted.

Countable Nouns List:

Countable Nouns have singular as well as plural number forms. We can say pencils, cups, bananas, potatoes, etc are countable nouns because they can be counted.

School, children, morning, flocks, apple, lawn, person, rules, scholarship, result, question, egg, essay, letter, direction.

Uncountable Noun Examples

Anything that cannot be counted is an uncountable noun. One most important thing to know is; that though uncountable nouns are not individual people, objects, things, and places they are always singular and one must always use singular verbs with uncountable nouns.

  1. I want more water to drink.
  2. I need detailed information about the prime minister.
  3. He has a high level of intelligence.
  4. Knowledge is power.
  5. have to purchase some cheese.

See the above uncountable noun examples and differ from one another.  Carefully notice that singular verbs are always used with uncountable nouns.

Uncountable Nouns List:

Sky, Food, Grass, Weather, Accommodation, Furniture, Work, Information, Fruit, bread, dal, meat, milk, knowledge.

Uncountable nouns are not individual persons, objects, things, and places, so they cannot be counted.

As you already know, Uncountable Nouns don’t have the plural number form and Usually, they can’t be counted. We cannot say a suger or sugars, a butter or butters, a sand, a water, etc. because they are uncountable nouns.

Countable and Uncountable Nouns Exercises

Write the plural or the singular form of the nouns given in the box. Create a Column A and B and write Countable Nouns in Column-A, Uncountable Nouns in Column-B

Whale, sheep, goose, brother-in-law, duck, datum, formula, oasis, cousin, thesis, woman, doctor, calves, syllabus, goal, car.

Learn more about countable and uncountable nouns.

Thegreat are strongest when they stand alone, a god given might of being is their force.”

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