
Two Main Parts of a Sentence | Parts of Sentence with easy examples

What is the definition of Subject and predicate?

The two main parts of every complete sentence are SUBJECT and PREDICATE. The subject is what/whom the sentence is about, while the predicate is something telling about the subject.

The baby is eating watermelon. In this sentence, ‘The baby’ is the subject as the sentence is about what the baby is eating watermelon‘ is the predicate as it tells us what the subject or baby is doing or eating.

In other words, The Predicate says something about the Subject or tells us what the subject does. The SUBJECT and PREDICATE are the two main parts of every complete sentence.

Examples of subject and predicate are as follows.

  1. The sun is rising.
  2. The Baby is eating watermelon.
  3. Birds are flying.
  4. The Basked is full of vegetables.
  5. The horse is running.

In the above examples ‘The sun’, ‘The baby’, ‘The birds’, ‘The basket’, ‘The horse’ are the subjects. The remaining part of each of the sentences is known as the predicate. Each sentence consists of two parts. We usually call the first part ‘The Subject’ and the second part ‘The Predicate’. In the above sentences, the underlined part is the subject, and the remaining part without underlining is the predicate.

EXERCISE-1 for Subject and Predicate

Separate the subject and predicate in the following sentences. The first one has been done for you.

The sun sets in the west.

Ans: The sun- Subject,  sets in the west- Predicate.

  1. He has a good Memory.
  2. Ramesh is a good boy.
  3. Apples grow on trees.
  4. Honey is sweet.
  5. I have a pen and some paper.
  6. The moon moves around the earth.
  7. Goats eat grass.
  8. They are a beautiful couple.
  9. My parents love me.
  10. Flowers are beautiful.
  11. The sun is a star.
  12. Love is beautiful.
  13. The peon rings the bell.
  14. Virat Kholi is a good player.

Exercise-2 for Subject and Predicate

Match the words in Column ‘A’ (Subject) with the right words in column ‘B’ (predicate).

Column ‘A’ (Subject) Column ‘B’
FootballIs the first meal of the day.
FebruaryShines at right.
GrapesIs a popular game in the world.
TramsGrow in vines.
Breakfastis an attractive woman.
The MoonRun on rails.
ComputerIs the shortest month of the year.
My wifeIs a good boy.
GopalLearning is interesting.
Excercise for subject and predicate (Match Column-A and B)

Position of the Subject and the Predicates.

Mark the position of the Subject and the Predicates in the following sentences.

Subject (First Part)Predicate (Second Part)
My mother loves me.
My wifeis an artist.
Ram and Shyam  are good friends.
It is very cold here.
Paintingis a good hobby.
My computer brand name is Dell.
Wehave a big Samsung TV.
Your work is your identity.
Therewas a snake under the mat.
Thereare so many questions to ask.
Subject and Predicate as the first and second part

See, in sentences like the last 02 ‘There’ is the grammatical subject. The real subject follows the verb in the predicate.

   Subject and Predicate position in Interrogative sentence.

Subject Predicate.
Who is the collector?      
Whathas happened to you?
Where is car?
Subject and Predicate in Interrogative sentence. (Position1)
How are you?
What isyour name?
Subject and Predicate in Interrogative sentence. (Position 2)
One part of the predicateSubjectAnother part of the predicate
How isyour fatherdoing?
Doesyour father an Army?
Why areyousmiling?
When will the traincome?
Who is the principalof this college?
What is the nameyour sister/
DoesRames play the piano?
Subject and Predicate in Interrogative sentence. (Position 3)

3. Exclamations: (a) one part of the predicate     Subject Another part of the predicate

   Subject and Predicate position in Exclamations Sentence

One part of the predicateSubjectAnother part of the predicate
How smallthe birdis!
How tallthe treeis!
What a modern manheis!
What a beautifulthe floweris!
There goes the alarm bell!
Up wentthe rocket!
   Subject and Predicate position in Exclamations Sentence

“How tall is the tree? means the person who is asking does not know its height. So he is asking about it. It is an interrogative sentence.

   Subject and Predicate position in Imperative Sentence

Keep quiet.
don’t make a noise.
shut the door.
Post the letter.
go away.
   Subject and Predicate position in Imperative Sentence

Note: in commands, requests, advice, etc. THE SUBJECT is not usually stated. It is YOU (understood or implied)

Exercise-3 for Subject and Predicate

Place the subject in column A and the predicate in column B.

  1. The sun sets in the west.
  2. The poor should be helped.
  3. Please get me a glass of water.
  4. How fast time flies!
  5. Everybody cannot dance.
  6. Who has composed this song?
  7. Flying kites on buildings is a bad habit.
  8. Where are your shoes?
  9. Which pencil is yours?
  10. Could you give me a cup of coffee?
  11. Neither of them is guilty.
  12. Ding dong went the bell.

Subject with one or more words.

SL No.SubjectPredicate
BSalman Khanis a famous hero in India.
CMy parentsloves me.
DA good friendhelps his friends.
EHe/Shehelps them in a difficult time.
Subject and Predicate

                Notice that the subject of a sentence can be made up of one word or more words. If the subject is made up of one word, it is usually a Noun or Pronoun.

In sentence ‘A’, the subject ‘stones’ is a Noun. In sentence-‘E’ the subject ‘He/She’ is a pronoun. If the subject is made up of more than a word, one of them must be a Noun: the other words add to the meaning of that Noun.

In sentences ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ My parents, and a good friend are the subjects.’My’ in sentences ‘C’ and ‘a good’ in the sentence ‘D’, add to the meaning of the Nouns parents and friends respectively.

The words working as the subject in a sentence are called Noun phrases. The Noun Phrase is made up of a noun or a group of words with a noun as its head.

The Predicate with one or more words.

 Similarly, in the predicate part, the verb is the headword.

look in sentence ‘A’, ‘sink’ is the only word in the predicate part, which tells us about ‘stones’. This word is a VERB. In sentence ‘C’ two words (loves, me) and in sentence-‘D’ three words (helps, his, friends) make up the predicate. In sentences ‘C’ and ‘D’, ‘loves’ and ‘helps’ are the verbs.

We have seen in the above examples that the verb is the most important word in the predicate. The Predicate of a sentence can have words other than the verb.

In sentence ‘E’ the subject is ‘He/She’. It is a pronoun used in place of ‘a good friend“. The remaining part is the predicate. “Helps” is the predicating verb.

Exercise-4 for Subject and Predicate

Pick out the Subjects in the following sentences.

  1. He will help you.
  2. Are the boys attending?
  3. Mahendra tractor is the best tractor.
  4. Stand up.
  5. Ask your brother about it.
  6. Do not learn just by heart but try to understand it.
  7. All of my friends are playing now.
  8. One of my friends came to my house yesterday.
  9. How heartbreaking the news is!
  10. One by one they got into the vehicle.

Exercise-5 for Subject and Predicate

Supply the Subject or the Predicate, whichever is missing in the following sentences:

One question has been answered for you:

  • ____is blowing from the south.

Ans: The wind is blowing from the south.

  1. Doesn’t _____ rise in the east?
  2. Slow and steady ________wins the race.
  3. ______is forbidden.
  4. ________ is genius.
  5. There are _______.
  6. A little learning ____._____gave you this news?
  7. Rajesh and Ramesh____________.
  8. _____has not brought his English book.
  9. ________ is a good novel.
  10. How long have you been staying here?
  11. The cover of the book ________.
  12. A thing of beauty _________.
  13. Flying kites from house-tops_____.T
  14. o walk in the morning________.
  15. The old man with his children_______.

Learn more about the subject and Predicate at

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