PHRASAL VERBS list with meaning and easy examples

If you have completed step 79 (PHRASAL VERB- Introduction with examples and Exercise) now it is time to Read and learn from the complete Phrasal Verbs list. After completing Step 80 find the remaining phrasal verbs in Step 81

I. Intransitive Phrasal Verbs list(Verb + Particle)

  1. Break down: to lose control of one’s feelings or stop working machine, technology, vehicle etc.

(a) The woman broke down on hearing her husband’s death .

(b) This old machine breaks down very often.

  1. Break up : to separate

The family broke up after a quarrel.

  1. Break up : to separate

The family broke up after a quarrel.

  1. Burst out: to speak / laugh suddenly with strong feelings.

The children burst out laughing/ she burst out angrily.

  1. Come about: to happen

How did the accident come about?

  1. Come apart : break / fall to pieces

The old house came apart in the strong wind.

  1. Come off : to take place

The wedding came off in a grand way.

  1. Come out: to become visible

The sun comes out in the morning.

  1. Die away: sound becoming slowly weak in a distance.

The noise of the birds died away.

  1. Die down: to become gradually less strong/loud.

The fire died down after some time.

  1. Drop in: to visit somebody casually.

Can you drop in sometimes and have tea with me?

  1. Drop out: to withdraw.

He did not like politics and finally dropped out.

  1. Fall out:  to quarrel.

The two boys fell out and came to blows.

  1. Fall through: to fail to be successfully completed.

Our plan to have a picnic fell through.

  1. Get up: to leave bed after sleeping.

We usually get up early in the morning.

  1. Give in : to surrender

The soldiers fought on but finally gave in.

  1. Give away: to distribute

The chief guest gave away the prizes.

  1. Go off (a) to be fired/ to explode

The gun / bomb went off accidentally.

(b) electricity, light etc. to stop functioning

The light went off at midnight.

  1. Go down : prices becoming less.

The price of sugar has gone down.

  1. Go out: to stop burning

The fire has gone out.

  1. Hold on: to wait, especially on a phone

We will hold on a minute, then go.

Please hold on, I’ll call my father.

  1. Look out: to be careful, pay attention.

Look out! There might be snakes here.

  1. Look up: a situation getting better.

The weather is looking up after the stormy days.

  1. Pass away: to die.

His father passed away at the age of sixty.

  1. Run down: machine/battery gradually stopping to work.

This battery has run down/ it needs recharging.

  1. Set in: bad weather or disease to begin and continue.

We should buy some warm dresses before winter sets in.

  1. Set out /off.: To start a journey.

We set out/off early to avoid the hot sun.

  1. Step down: to leave an official position.

The chairman stepped down because of his ill health.

  1. Take off: to leave the ground, especially an aeroplane.

The plane took off on right time.

  1. Turn up: come to a meeting or assembly.

Only a few students turned up in the class today.

  1. Wear out: to become thin or weak through use.

The tires have worn out. My patience with you has worn out.

Who is looking after the sick man?

Transitive Phrasal Verbs list(Verb + Particle+ object)

  1. Abide by:
    • Meaning: to act according to law.
    • Example: A good citizen must abide by the traffic rules.
  2. Account for:
    • Meaning: to explain the cause of something.
    • Example: His illness accounts for his absence.
  3. Agree with:
    • Meaning: to suit somebody’s health.
    • Example: Fish does not agree with me.
  4. Ask after:
    • Meaning: to ask for news of somebody.
    • Example: Your friend was asking after you.
  5. Bank on:
    • Meaning: to depend on somebody/something/ count on
    • Example: I bank on my teachers for my study.
  6. Break into:
    • Meaning: to enter by force.
    • Example: The dacoits broke into our house last night.
  7. Call for :
    • Meaning: to require
    • Example: The farmer’s problems call for the government’s immediate attention.
  8. Call on :
    • Meaning: to visit some one
    • Example: I called on my headmaster to thank him.
  9. Come across:
    • Meaning: to meet somebody/something by change.
    • Example: I came across an old friend in the market.
  10. Come over:
    • Meaning: strong feelings affecting somebody.
    • Example: She is crying. I don’t know what has come over her.
    • Example: A great change came over Ashoka after the Kalinga war.
  11. Count on :
    • Meaning: to depend on somebody/ bank on
    • Example: You can count on me at hours of need.
  12. Get over :
    • Meaning: to overcome a difficult situation.
    • Example: She cannot get over her shyness.
  13. Go into:
    • Meaning: to examine / investigate in detail.
    • You should go into the problem before coming to any conclusion.
  14. Go through:
    • Meaning: (a)  to experience something unpleasant.
    • Example: They have gone through a lot of suffering.
    • Meaning: (b) to read/use/ spend/ eat all of something.
    • Example: Have you gone through the Ramayan?
  15. Hit on :
    • Meaning: to think of a good idea suddenly.
    • Example: I hit on an idea to surprise my mother.
  16. Keep off:
    • Meaning: to avoid something or remain at a distance.
    • Example: You should keep off bad company.
  17. Keep on:
    • Meaning: continue doing something.
    • Example: We kept on working long after the evening.
  18. Laugh at:
    • Meaning: to mock somebody or something.
    • Example: We all laughed at this foolishness.
  19. Look after:
    • Meaning: to take care of somebody / something.
    • Example: Who is looking after the sick man?
  20. Look into:
    • Meaning: to investigate / examine something.
    • Example: A team of experts is looking into this problem.
  21. Look upon:
    • Meaning: to consider somebody as somebody.
    • Example: I look upon Reeta as my own sister.
  22. Make for:
    • Meaning: to move towards some place.
    • Example: The ship made for the sea.
  23. Send for :
    • Meaning: to ask someone to come.
    • Example: We sent for a doctor when my mother was ill.
  24. Stand by:
    • Meaning: to remain helpful during difficult times.
    • Example: My parents stand by me during my difficulties.
  25. Stand for:
    • Meaning: to represent / support something.
    • Example: MP stands for Member of Parliament. Gandhi stood for peace.
  26. Take after:
    • Meaning: to look like an elder blood relation.
    • Example: Most children take after their parents.

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