Common Nouns Vs. Proper Nouns

Understanding the distinction between common and proper nouns is essential for proper grammar and effective communication in the English language.

Common nouns and proper nouns are two types of nouns used in the English language to classify and identify entities. Here’s a breakdown of the differences between them:

Common Nouns Versus Proper Nouns

Common NounProper Noun
Definition: A common noun refers to a general, non-specific person, place, thing, or idea.Definition: A proper noun refers to a specific, unique person, place, thing, or idea. It is used to identify a particular entity.
person: teacher, student
place: city, park
thing: table, book
idea: love, happiness
“I saw a dog in the park.”
In this sentence, “dog” is a common noun because it refers to any general dog, not a specific one.
person: Mary, John
place: Paris, Mount Everest
thing: The Mona Lisa, The Great Wall of China
idea: The Renaissance
“I saw Buddy in the park.”
In this sentence, “Buddy” is a proper noun because it refers to a specific dog named Buddy.
Capitalization: Common nouns are not capitalized unless they appear at the beginning of a sentence.Capitalization: Proper nouns are always capitalized. This helps distinguish them from common nouns.
Common Nouns Versus Proper Nouns

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