Present Perfect Progressive and It’s all rules with easy examples

We have studied briefly the Present Perfect Sentence Structure and Formulas in Step-15. Now we will study in detail The Present Perfect Progressive and it’s all rules.

Present Perfect Progressive Tense Sentence Structures and examples

Affirmative I/We/You/They have been playing football.
 He/ She//It has been playing football.
Interrogative Have/I/we/you//they been playing football?
 Has/he/she/it been playing football?
NegativeI/We/You/They have not been playing football.
He/ She/It has not /hasn’t been playing football.
Negative-InterrogativeHave I/We/You/They not been playing football?
Haven’t I/we/you/they been playing football?
Has he/she/she/it not been playing football?
Hasn’t he/she/it been playing football?
Present Perfect Progressive Tense Sentence Structures and examples

The negative is formed by adding “not” to the auxiliary. The interrogative is formed by reversing the auxiliary and the subject. These forms are shown above note that ‘Has’ is used with the subject in the third person and singular number and ‘Have’ is used with all other subjects.


Present Perfect Progressive Rule-1

The Present Perfect Progressive is used If an activity or state started in the past and is still continuing in the present, and it is likely to extend into the future.

         Past  —————————->  Present  —————————->  Onwards
  2017 —————————->  2022     —————————->       Likely to continue
Present Perfect Progressive Rule-1
  1. The pupils have been learning English for six years.
  2. Mr. Patnaik has been teaching in this school.
  3. They have been selling textbooks.
  4. The children have been playing football.
  5. It has been raining all day.

                    Example No 1 shows that the pupils started learning in 2017, now they are still learning in 2022 and they may continue learning in the future. Like-wise, in examples 2, 3, 4, and 5 the activities of teaching, selling, playing, and raining happened in the past; they are still going on at present, and are likely to continue in the future.

Mark more examples.

Present Perfect Progressive Rule-2

The actions started in the past and continued for a period in the past but it is over now.

  1. I am out of breath; I have been playing football.
  2. I am very tired, I have been working hard all day.
Exercise-1 for Present Perfect Progressive

Complete the sentences using the words given in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Progressive Tense. The first one has been done for you.

(1)            Ganesh to Manish: You are out of breath, Manish!

                Reply: I have been swimming for two hours. (swim, two hours)

(2)           Mahendra is very tired; he hasn’t finished his work in the garden yet.

              Reply: Mahendra_____________(work,in the garden, since morning)

(3)          How long has it been raining?

             Reply: It ____________(for three days)

(4)         How long have you been playing football? (The game is likely to continue.)

               Reply: We_______________(two hours)

(5)          How long have you been waiting here?

              Reply: We _______________(since, ten o’clock)

(6)         What have you been doing all day?

              Reply: I ______________ (reading, a novel)

(7)        Where has your father been working?

               Reply: My father_____________(work, in a bank)

(8)         How long has Goutam been driving a car?

               Reply: He _______________(drive, all day)

(9)          Who has been helping Maheswar in this research project.

               Reply: His guide_________________(help, in this research project)

(10) Mahatma is sick with fever. He is tiil under treatment.

Reply: The doctor _______________ (treat, Mahatma)

Exercise-2 Present Perfect Progressive

Answer the questions using the words and expressions given in brackets. Use the Present Perfect/Present  Perfect Progressive Tense. The first one has been done for you.

(A)            The farmer started the work at 10 a.m.  Now it is 1 p.m. The work is not yet over.

                Answer: The farmer has been working in the garden for 3 hours.

(B)           Have you done your assignment, Mamata?

                Answer: Yes, I __________(do,assignment)

(C)          We are at the station for the last two hours. Our master hasn’t come yet.

                Answer: We ____________(wait, at the station, the last two hours)

(D)         Mother : Have you read today’s newspaper, Mamata?

                Ans: Mamata: Yes, I ________(today’s news paper)

(E)          Mannish: Haven’t you met the Patnaik yet, Ganesh?

                Answer: Ganesh: Yes, I __________(already/meet)

(F)         Has your uncle arrived at your house yet?

                Answer: No, he_____________(arrive,yet)

(G)        The students are very tired. They haven’t yet finished the homework.

                Answer: They_____________(prepare/home work)

(H)       I bought a toy esterday. I don’t find it now.

                Answer: I ________(lose)

(I)         The teacher teaches English to the students. He has already taught for 04 years. It is still continuing.

                Answer: The teacher _____________(teach/English to the students)

(J)          The tiger attacked its keeper. He is dead now.

                Answer: The tiger__________(kill/its keeper)

Study more about Present Perfect Continuous/Progressive@Englishclub

It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.

-Albert Einstein

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