Proper Noun with easy definition and examples

Proper noun is also one of the kinds of noun. Proper Noun refers to name of particular person, place, or thing. You can say it is just opposite of Common Noun.

Definition of Proper Noun

A proper noun is the name of a particular person, place, or thing.

Note: The proper noun refers to specific/particular names of a person, place, or thing. It do not refer to generic/group  names like Common Noun. As proper noun refers to a particular name it should always begin with CAPITAL LETTER. Proper nouns are also known as  proper names.

Examples of Proper Nouns

Following are the examples of Proper Noun.

Raj, Advaith, Krishna, Salman, Jhon, Delhi, Parish, London, Wooden Chair, Marker Pen, etc.,

  1. India is a country of festivals.
  2. Goutam lives in Delhi
  3. Shani Shignapur is the safest village in India.
  4. The great wall of china is one of the most famous historical places in the world.
  5. February is the second month of the year.
  6. The New York Times is one of the most famous news papers in the world.
  7. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is a famous book.
  8. The is one of the best websites to learn English.
  9. My name is Rajesh.

The above words in bold letters are Proper Nouns.

Note: Learners often confuse between Proper Noun and Common, so if you, please read and learn this Proper Noun Vs. Common Noun Vs. Proper Noun

More Examples of Proper Noun

Particular name or Proper noun.

  1. Names of countries, (India, Asutralia, America, Canada, Africa, Srilanka, Pakistan, China, etc.)
  2. Names of Persons ( Mahatma Gandhi, Sandeep Maheswari , Barack Obama)
  3. Towns (Paris, Rome, Mumbai, Chennai, Agra, etc.)
  4. Cities (Bankok, Dubai, Honking, Tokyo, Varanasi, Kochhi, Kollkta)
  5. Historical Places (The Taj Mahal of Inida, Konark Sun Temple of Odisha, The Great wall of China)
  6. Months of the year( January, February, March…)
  7. Day of the Week ( Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday….)
  8. Names of Festivals (Holi in India, Rio Carnival in Brazil, Running of bulls in Spain)
  9. Names of Newspapers (The New York Times, The Hindu, The Indian Express)
  10. Name of books, etc. (War and Peace, Lord of the Rings, Failure is a Teacher).

You can also learn about Proper Noun in

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