
Capitalization Rule-17 in detail with easy examples

We ought to always capitalize a family name when used as a person’s specific name and before a proper name. But, whenever, the person’s specific name is not mentioned in the sentence, we do not need to capitalize family names. This is the Capitalization Rule number 17


  1. This car belongs to uncle Harshvardhan.
  2. His Father works at the local police station.


  1. This car belongs to Uncle Harshvardhan.
  2. His father works at the local police station.

Which of the following options is correct? Choose the correct option.

  1. a) Aunt
  2. b) aunt

Our _________ is coming to visit us this evening!

Answer: b (If the person’s specific name is not mentioned in the sentence, we do not need to capitalize family names.)

Are the right words capitalized in the sentence?. Yes or No

That pen belongs to Mother Jenny.

Answer: Yes (We must always capitalize a family name when used as a person’s specific name.)

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