Capitalization Rule-2 in detail with easy examples

The letter “I” should always be capitalized in a sentence when it refers to oneself

The letter I should always be capitalized in a sentence when it refers to oneself.



My father asked me where i want to join for my higer study.

i think i will crack this examination.


My father asked me where i want to join for my higer study.

I think I will crack this examination.

Choose the correct option from following otpions.

a) I’ve

b) i’ve

This is the biggest palce ______ever seen!

Answer: a (The lettter ‘I’ must be capitalized in a sentence , even when we use a contraction.)

Are the right words capitalizsed in the sentnce ?

Answer  : Yes  or No

I would surely buy you a car for you  if i could .

Answer: No (The letter “i”  is not capitalized after if. According to rule ‘I’ must be capitalized in the middle of the sentence as well if it refers to oneself.

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