Capitalization Rule-9 in detail with easy examples

We should always capitalize the names of specific geographic regions. But we must not capitalize the names of points that appear on the compass viz. east, west, north, and south.

This is the capitalization rule number 9


  1. The traffic sign says we should head North.
  2. My wife is from the south coast.


  1. The traffic sign says we should head north.
  2. My wife is from the South Coast.

Choose the correct options that are given below.

Head_________for two blocks and then turn left.

Which of the following options is correct?

  1. a) East
  2. b) east

Answer: b (We do not capitalize the names of points that appear on the compass viz. east, west, north, and south.)

Are the right words capitalized in the questions? Answer in one word i.e. Yes or No

My friends are trying to visit the West Coast this autumn. They are also planning to drive down the interstate and head west.

Answer: Yes (We must capitalize the names of specific geographical regions, but not the points that appear on the compass viz. east, west, north, and south.)

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