Learn English easily now for free.

1. How can I learn English easily by myself?

How can I learn English easily? Nowadays, these are the most common questions asked on the internet by English learners, “Where and how can I learn English easily? Or is there anyone who teaches English that we can understand easily?”

There are plenty of materials available in the local market as well as on the websites to learn English. But, only a few can make English Learning easy. That is the reason, the questions like, “How can I learn English easily?” arise naturally in the mind of every English learner. Because English learners truly find it difficult when they start learning English in the beginning.

But now forget everything because huiraj.com is specially designed to help you learn English easily. Above all, it is completely free.

2. Learning English is easy now

Now onwards, you can learn English easily without any difficulty. Honestly, English learning was laborious as well as prolonged for me. But, I don’t want you to do the same and go through what I went through. That’s the reason I started teaching English on www. huiraj.com/english. So that you can learn English easily. Here, you can Learn English step by step from Basic to Advance.

3. Where and how can I learn English easily?

If you are determined to learn English easily and seeking a perfect place where you can learn English easily and want to step up your English to the next level then relax and be happy because you are in the right place i.e. huiraj.com. Here, you will get well-organized English learning Steps which makes English learning Easy for you.

4. Learn Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, and Superior Level English just in 100 steps

For simplifying English learning we have divided the whole English Grammar into 04 categories. They are as follows:

  1. Basic English (Step-01 to 30),
  2. Intermediate English (Step-31 to 60),
  3. Advanced English (Step-61 to 90), and
  4. Superior English (Step-91 to 100).

If you religiously follow all the steps chronologically from 1 to 100 and keep on learning although initially, it is quite challenging and tiresome. At the end of all steps, you will have already learned English completely.

5. Top 10 tips on how to learn English easily?
  1. Mindfully keep reading, listening, watching, and writing in English continuously though it is boring in the beginning but keep it up.
  2. Especially keep reading short stories, Quora Questions and Answers, Self-help books, and Motivational Quotes.
  3. If possible keep reading News Paper even though you will not understand it in the beginning.
  4. Keep watching Tedx Talks Videos, Josh Talks (English) as well as other videos(News, Movies, Podcasts, Documentary etc.,) in English according to your interest in YOUTUBE and other social media you use.
  5. For English-speaking, download the Hallo App from the Google Play store and keep on speaking with people from around the world. Here is a link to the “Hallo App Website“. Hallo App is completely free unless you want a personal teacher.
  6. Subscribe, and follow, all the podcast pages or Channels like YouTube or English Learning Apps (In English)
  7. Keep thinking in English.( It helps you a lot to speak English quickly)
  8. Try to translate the incidents happening before you. (Trust me it’s really interesting)
  9. Request your friends to talk in English. (Who knows if they also want the same)
  10. Always find a way to speak in English. (Remember, If there is a will there is a way)
  11. Engage yourself in the English Learning environment.

-By Margaret Fuller

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