
Noun | Learn all types of nouns with Easy Examples

Dear learners! If you want to learn English, The first thing, you should learn ‘Parts of Speech of English‘. There are 8 Parts of speech in English. Out of ‘Eight parts of Speech’ “Noun” is one of the important parts of speech. In this article, we will learn in detail about ‘Noun’.

Nouns are essential for constructing meaningful sentences and serve as the subjects, objects, or complements in sentences. For instance, in the sentence “The dog is sleeping,” “dog” is a noun functioning as the ‘subject of the sentence’.

What is Noun?

A noun is a naming word. It is used for the names of persons, animals, places, or things. Ram, Shyam, Max, Paris, Gold, Chair, and Bus, are examples of nouns.

‘Noun’ is a naming word because noun refers to names. Noun refers to names, like names of persons, animals, places, or things. Whatever names you hear, whatever names you have learned, ‘or’ whatever names are there in this entire existence all are ‘Nouns’. Therefore, ‘Noun’ is a naming word.

Definition of noun

“Noun is a naming word”.

Examples of Noun

  1. Krishna or a doctor (Names of persons)
  2. Paris or city (Names of Places)
  3. gold, diamond, chair, pen, plant, tree, etc. (Names of things)
  4. good, bad, standard, best, etc. (Names of a quality)joy, smile)

Types of Noun

Significantly, there are 05 kinds of nouns. These are as follows:

  1. Common Nouns,
  2. Proper Nouns,
  3. Collective Nouns,
  4. Material Nouns, and
  5. Abstract Nouns.

1. Common Nouns

Common Nouns refer to general names. They are not specific to any particular person, place, or thing. For example: “animal,” “book,” and “city.”

2. Proper Nouns

Proper nouns often refer to specific names of people, places, or things. A Proper noun usually takes a capital letter in its parts letter of the word. For example, “Name of a particular person-Advaith,” “Name of a particular city name-London,” “Name of a particular monument name-Eiffel Tower”.

3. Collective Nouns

Collective Nouns refer to names of groups of things or people. For example: “team,” “herd,” “family,” “dozen.” etc.

4. Material Nouns

Material nouns refer to names of physical, tangible objects that can be perceived through the five senses. For example: “pen,” “Laptop,” “table,” “Plastic,” “Gold.” etc.

5. Abstract Nouns

Abstract nouns refer to ideas, qualities, emotions, or concepts that cannot be experienced through the senses. Abstract nouns can not be touched. We can only feel it. For example: “Joy,” “love,” “freedom,” “happiness.”

Clear your doubts

Common Nouns Vs. Proper Nouns


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Nelson Mandela

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