Capitalization Rule-13 in detail with easy examples

We must capitalize the names of art movements. It is the 13 rule of Capitalization rule. This is the capitalization rule number 13


  1. Do you know what conceptual art is?
  2. He never really understood impressionism.
  3. Post World War II, minimalism took shape in American visual art.


  1. Do you know what Conceptual Art is?
  2. He never really understood Impressionism.
  3. Post World War II, Mininsalizm took shape in American visual art.

Which of the following options is correct? Choose the correct option.

  1. a) realsim.
  2. b) Realism

She gave a lecture on ____________, an artistic movement that tries to represent art as naturally as possible.

Answer: The option “b” is correct. (As per capitalization rules names of art movements must always be capitalized.)

Are the right words capitalized in the sentence? Answer in one word i.e. Yes or No

In real, pointillism is one of the most technically challenging Art forms.

Answer: No (The names of art movements must be capitalized, and not the word art as such. So the correct sentence is “In real, Pointillism is one of the most technically challenging art forms”)

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