Capitalization Rule-6 in detail with easy examples

Sometimes, for emphasis, we can capitalize a mid-sentence independent clause or question.

Sometimes, for emphasis, we can capitalize a mid-sentence independent clause or question. This is the capitalization rule no 6


  1. Tony is known as a deadbeat, think before you pay.
  2. I wonder, does she love me?


  1. Tony is known as a deadbeat, Think before you pay.
  2. I wonder, Does she love me?

Choose the correct option

I think we can now say, ____________

Which of the following options is correct?

  1. A) Home is where the family is.
  2. B) home is where the family is.

Answer: A (sometimes, for emphasis, we can capitalize a mid-sentence independent clause).

Answer in Yes or No  whether the sentence is correct or not

The question remained unanswered, where did they go?

Answer: No (Sometimes, for emphasis, you can capitalize a mid-sentence independent clause or question. The sentence can be written as The question remained unanswered, Where did they go?)

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