Capitalization Rule-5 in detail with easy examples

If the quotation is a complete sentence we should capitalize the first word of a quotation. But in a partial quotation, we should not capitalize the first word of a partial quotation. So, the first word of a partial quotation should be in lowercase only.

If the quotation is a complete sentence we should capitalize the first word of a quotation. But in a partial quotation, we should not capitalize the first word of a partial quotation. So, the first word of a partial quotation should be in lowercase only. This is the capitalization rule no 5


  1. Richard said, “we must win this game.”
  2. No one discusses about the “Horrific cyclone” that took place last year.


  1. Richard said, “We must win this game.”
  2. No one discusses about the “horrific cyclone” that took place last year.

(The phrase horrific cyclone is a partial quotation and hence it must not be capitalized.)

Choose the correct option

Maya thinks they all “ __________” discussing about the past.

Which of the following options is correct?

  1. a) Wasted their time.
  2. b) wasted their time.

Ans: b (We do not capitalize the first word of a partial quotation.)

Answer in Yes or No

Ram said, “Don’t you think she laughed to us?”

Are the right words capitalized in the question?

Answer: Yes (We must capitalize the first word of the quotation when the quotation is a complete sentence.)

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